For anyone who might be interested we present here a few of
the songs that we in the Yeshiva sing after lighting the Chanuka candles. They
were recorded by our friend and fellow student at the Yeshiva, Avraham
Bourstein. They are all the traditional Breslov or Chassidic melodies.
Since the CD was recorded for 'public consumption' it is
somewhat 'toned-down.' One might even say 'laid-back!' At home the kids tend to
sing the songs at twice the tempo, with a lot more fire, thumping on the table, screaming out the
words, etc., but if you would just like to hear the tunes, or even to sing
along, this will do just fine. The songs will start playing
when you click on them.
We have posted a scan of the words of each of the songs, or
you can find them all in the siddur. Click on the thumbnails for a larger
We start off with the Brachos.
Followed by HaNeros Halalu.
We then sing Ma'oz Tzur.
Immediately followed by Mizmor Shir Chanukas HaBeis
and Lamnatzeach
Binginos Mizmor Shir.
And finally Ana B'Koach
and Rananu Tzaddikim.
Here's an added extra. My wife managed to wangle
us an invitation to the Rav's home for the night of the lighting of the third
candle, in honor of my son's bar-mitzvah. Here is a recording of the Rav lighting
the candles, and singing
HeNeros Halalu, recorded from 'under the table,' accompanied by a couple of
grand-children, my family, an incredible amount of 'noises off,' terrible audio
interference etc. etc. And as before, Ma'oz Tzur,
Mizmor Shir Chanukas HaBeis,
Lamnatzeach Binginos
Mizmor Shir, Ana B'Koach
and Rananu Tzaddikim. If
you would prefer to download the whole lot as an MP3 file, (about 30MB), then
Right Click here, and
then Left Click on "Save Target (Link) As..." The download also includes the 15
minutes of dancing around the table that we did after the singing, which I was
not originally intending to put up, but added on at the end at the request of my
friend Yaakov Shalom, who wanted something to play for the kids after the
singing, as they were playing with their dreidles!