We should all merit to see all of the Ushpizin, face to face, and in the merit of King David we should be worthy of drawing down happiness to each and every Jew whatever his spiritual level.

The Tzaddik is constantly searching for the souls who together with him will bring the Geula.

   Master of the Universe, for whom nothing is impossible, please help me to be worthy of seeing the seven Ushpizin face to face, for all the seven Ushpizin are the seven sefiros of Adam KadmonKeter, Chachma, Bina, Da’as, Chessed, Gevura and Tiferes. Moshe rabbeinu is the Keter of Adam Kadmon. Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov are the Chabad of Adam Kadmon, because they all are the roots of all the wisdom, understanding and knowledge in the world. It is all drawn down to the world through them because they are the true influencers of the world right up until the final generations, and even through until after the Resurrection of the Dead.

   It is through our meriting to see face to face the seven Ushpizin in the Succah, every day, every minute and every second, all the gates of wisdom, understanding and knowledge are opened, to the extent that a person could even finish the whole Shas every single day, in the blink of an eye! The underlying reason that this is possible is that all the various intellects applying to the totality of the [following] year are received from beneath the wings of the Keruvim at the time of the Kohen Gadol entering into there [the Holy of Holies] four times on Yom HaKippurim, corresponding to the four Partzufim of Adam KadmonAtik, Arich, Abba and Imma. It is from there at that time, emanates the intellects to the whole world for the following year.

   And that is why [the Kohen Gadol counts as he sprinkles the blood:] “One, One and One, One and Two, One and Three, One and Four, One and Five, One and Six, One and Seven,” since it is through this [counting out loud] that we are enabled to view face to face the seven Ushpizin at every minute and second. The Keter of Adam Kadmon is the inner essence of the entire totality of the soul of Moshe, actually the interior of the inner essence, which is revealed at the time of the sprinkling of the blood between the two bars of the Holy Ark, beneath the wings of the Keruvim, and from there it proceeds to the Sukkah, which is the aspect of Seven Tefachim, which is the vessel in which it is possible to receive the light of the Seven Ushpizin and to actually see them face to face.

   This is all possible because of the separating of Rachel from Zeir Anpin, which we did on the 1st Tishrei, which is the sefirah of Keter. The 2nd Tishrei is the sefira of Chachma, which is why there are two days of Yom Tov. The 3rd Tishrei is the sefirah of Bina, the 4th is the sefirah of Da’as, the 5th the sefirah of Chessed, the 6th the sefirah of Gevurah, the 7th the sefirah of Tiferes, the 8th Netzach and the 9th is the sefirah of Hod which is the aspect of Malchus.

   David HaMelech, may his remembrance be for a blessing, who is revealed in all his glory on Hoshanah Rabbah, which is the secret of the Aravah which is called Hoshanah, the day of the Beating of the Aravos, which is a fruit that has neither taste or smell, it is in particular through the Sukkah on Hoshanah Rabbah that David HaMelech is able to raise up even the lowest souls, absolutely the driest souls that don’t have even the slightest trace of moisture, not the slightest taste or smell or even the least essence of soul in them...even so, at the end of the days of Atonement David HaMelech is able to raise up all the souls in the world to the core of Keter of Adam Kadmon. He is able to illuminate all the souls that exist and will come into being until the final generations and to bestow, even upon the farthest and the driest souls Ru’ach, Neshama, Chaya and Yechidah, until even they will be able to see Hashem face to face and recognize who is the Primordial Master, which is the secret of BereishisRosh Beis, where the following day is Simchas Torah. It is precisely at this time that the heaven and the earth are recreated from new, which is the secret of “The coming of the Moshiach,” gematria 779, which is also the gematria of “I believe.”

   It is the responsibility of David HaMelech to reveal the spark of the Moshiach that is in each and every person. The goal is that through ten people who have revealed the secret that this spark of Moshiach is inside them, then Moshiach ben David will truly be able to come that year. This will result in, on Hoshanah Rabbah that very year the “Fallen Sukkah of David will be erected,” (Amos 11). There will be such an Expanded Consciousness that year, on Hoshanah Rabbah, which will be received from the inner essence of Keter that it will be possible to dance on Simchas Torah for the full twenty six hours, plus another twelve hours on the Hakafos Shnios, resulting in thirty six hours of non stop dancing without the slightest doubt or depression.

   We have to understand and believe that all the success of the new year is dependent on the preparation that we do on the seven days of Sukkos for the non stop dancing at the end, from Candle Lighting until the next day after Shacharis of 23rd Tishrei. The coming of Moshiach ben David the following year is totally dependent on this alone, that we shouldn’t interrupt the dancing for even a second.


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Home Lessons given by  the Rav HaRav Levi Itzchak Bender, zt"l.